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The Sooke Teachers Collective Agreement: Understanding the Basics

The Sooke Teachers Collective Agreement is an agreement between the Sooke School District and the Sooke Teachers Association. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers in the Sooke School District. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Sooke Teachers Collective Agreement and its key provisions.

Scope of the Agreement

The Sooke Teachers Collective Agreement covers all teachers employed by the Sooke School District, including those on temporary contracts, probationary teachers, and teachers on call.

Salaries and Benefits

The agreement provides for increases in salaries and benefits over the term of the agreement. The current agreement, which runs from September 1, 2019, to August 31, 2022, provides for a 2% salary increase in each year of the agreement. Additionally, the agreement includes provisions for benefits, such as extended health and dental benefits.

Working Conditions

The Sooke Teachers Collective Agreement also outlines the working conditions for teachers in the district. This includes provisions related to class size, workload, and preparation time. The agreement stipulates that teachers will be provided with reasonable preparation time, based on the number of classes they teach. Additionally, the agreement includes provisions related to working hours and professional development opportunities.

Performance Evaluation

The Sooke Teachers Collective Agreement includes provisions related to performance evaluation. The agreement outlines the process for evaluation, including who is responsible for the evaluation, the criteria used for evaluation, and the timeline for evaluation. Additionally, the agreement includes provisions related to professional development opportunities for teachers who require additional support to improve their performance.

Grievance Procedure

Finally, the Sooke Teachers Collective Agreement includes a grievance procedure. This procedure outlines the steps that teachers can take if they have a dispute with the district related to their employment. The grievance procedure includes a process for informal resolution, mediation, and arbitration.

In conclusion, the Sooke Teachers Collective Agreement is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers in the Sooke School District. It provides for fair salaries and benefits, reasonable working conditions, performance evaluation procedures, and a grievance procedure for dispute resolution. Teachers should be familiar with the agreement and its provisions to ensure that they are treated fairly and have access to the support they need to do their jobs effectively.