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Coinbase, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced an agreement with the US government`s tax agency, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This agreement will require Coinbase to provide the IRS with information about its users who make transactions with cryptocurrency.

The agreement comes after the IRS has been cracking down on cryptocurrency tax evasion. In 2019, the agency sent letters to over 10,000 cryptocurrency users warning them that they may have to pay taxes on their transactions. Now, with the Coinbase agreement, the IRS will have a better understanding of who is using cryptocurrency and how much they are transacting.

For Coinbase users, this means that the IRS can now access their personal information, including their full name, taxpayer identification number, date of birth, and address, as well as their transaction history. This information will be used by the IRS to ensure that users are reporting their cryptocurrency transactions accurately on their tax returns.

While some users may be concerned about their privacy, Coinbase has assured users that the company will only provide the IRS with information that is required by law. The company has also said that it will notify users before any information is shared and will work to protect user privacy as much as possible.

Overall, the Coinbase agreement is a significant step forward in the IRS`s efforts to regulate the growing cryptocurrency market. While some users may be wary of the government`s involvement, it`s important to remember that cryptocurrency transactions are subject to taxes just like any other financial transactions.

As cryptocurrency continues to gain mainstream acceptance, it`s likely that we will see more regulation and oversight from government agencies. Whether you`re a Coinbase user or not, it`s important to understand the tax implications of using cryptocurrency and to stay up-to-date on any new regulations or agreements that may affect your financial activities.